Monday, November 2, 2015
The DC...
Something that I have found difficult in college has been eating healthy. Having the 5 day meal plan is all right. The DC has not much to offer since everything that is served is the same thing from the week before. I try eating healthy by changing what I eat most of the time, but there are temptations: cheeseburgers, burritos, and pizza. The first few weeks of the semester I was able to change my meals; however, I ended up with some of the same meals from before. I know there are other options like Panda and Taco Bell, yet I was never used to eating out as much at home, so I feel pretty bad after eating there. I was scared to weigh myself since I thought I had gained 10 pounds or more, but I didn't, I only gained 2 pounds more. I try buying healthy food to eat such as wheat bread, fruit, and granola bars; I eat the food that I buy when I get tired from the food at the DC. I never thought that the options given at the DC were the same every one or two weeks; however, I have to admit that I love the parfaits. The parfaits keep me full in the morning , and they make me feel better about myself. I like adding strawberries, raspberries, grapes, diced honeydew and cantaloupe, and granola with vanilla yogurt.
Mi Bendición Mas Grande (My Biggest Blessing)
Todo este tiempo lejos de ustedes me ha hecho pensar en lo afortunada que soy a tener a unos papas tan cariñosos y amorosos como ustedes. Al venir a la universidad me an apoyado en todo el procesó y nunca me an dejado desamparada. En cada clase trato de hacer el mejor esfuerzo para sacar buenas calificaciones y que se sientan orgullosos de mi y eso es lo que me ha llevado a sonar con un futuro mejor. Tal vez nunca había pasado por su mente que su hija la mas pequeña no estuviera a su lado a los 18 anos pero todo lo que me an enseñado como ser responsable y luchadora a sido gracias a ustedes y todo el tiempo que an trabajado. Yo estoy muy orgullosa de todo lo que an logrado con su vida y mas sacando a nuestra familia adelante. Cada día, San Jose a sido una nueva aventura en la que e aprendido a cuidarme por mi misma. Lo que mas extraño es darles los buenos días y las buenas noches porque no es lo mismo sin saber que todos estamos bien en la casa. A pesar de eso, me e acostumbrado acá y a salir en transporte publico cada vez que tengo que llegar a otros lugares. La comida de la escuela no es la mejor y extraño la comida de la casa pero ese a de ser uno de los mayores sacrificios que tengo que hacer estando acá. Gracias por todo lo que an hecho por mis hermanas y yo, nunca quiero que olviden que todo esto lo hago por el gran ejemplo que me an dado para superarme.
All this time away from you made me think about how lucky I am to have caring and loving parents like you. Coming to a university, both of you have supported me with the whole process and have looked after me. In each class, I try to do my best, to get good grades, and to make you proud, and this has lead me to pursue a better future. Perhaps, it never went through your mind that your youngest daughter was leaving home at the age of 18, but everything I've learned-- like being responsible and a fighter-- has been thanks to all the time you have been working. I am very proud of both of you and everything you have accomplished with your life and mostly in our family. Every day, San Jose has been a new adventure that I have learned to take care of myself. What I miss the most has been saying "Goodnight and Good morning" because it's not the same not being able to know we're everyone in the house is. Regardless of that, I got used to using public transportation everywhere I go. The food at this school is not the best, and I guess that's one of the biggest sacrifices I have to make for being here. Thank you for everything you have done for my sisters and I; I never want you to forget that everything I do is for everything I have seen you do in order to succeed in life.
All this time away from you made me think about how lucky I am to have caring and loving parents like you. Coming to a university, both of you have supported me with the whole process and have looked after me. In each class, I try to do my best, to get good grades, and to make you proud, and this has lead me to pursue a better future. Perhaps, it never went through your mind that your youngest daughter was leaving home at the age of 18, but everything I've learned-- like being responsible and a fighter-- has been thanks to all the time you have been working. I am very proud of both of you and everything you have accomplished with your life and mostly in our family. Every day, San Jose has been a new adventure that I have learned to take care of myself. What I miss the most has been saying "Goodnight and Good morning" because it's not the same not being able to know we're everyone in the house is. Regardless of that, I got used to using public transportation everywhere I go. The food at this school is not the best, and I guess that's one of the biggest sacrifices I have to make for being here. Thank you for everything you have done for my sisters and I; I never want you to forget that everything I do is for everything I have seen you do in order to succeed in life.
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