Monday, October 26, 2015

What have I learned in college?

       Something I've learned in college has been to be more open-minded. Being away from home can be very challenging to those of us who are living on campus for the first time alone or those who don't know many people on campus. Getting to meet people and putting myself out there is one of the best things to do in college, so getting involved benefits everyone. I was scared to move into a big city at the beginning because I had moved from a small town where most people knew each other. Walking around San Jose is completely different from my hometown, Paso Robles, where most people are at home by 10p.m. However, the people in this big city are still out after 10p.m. Even though, everything is different, I've met caring professors like my health teacher, Professor Mac. She always has a positive attitude and gives out great advice.
      As important, I've found support in the EOP program by meeting my tutor, Quyen. We meet every Monday and work on writing skills, and she gives me tips in order to improve. Also, I've made new friends: Melanie, Ivan, Jewel, Crystal, and Takia. Each of them have incredible personalities, and I have enjoyed their company in and outside of class. I have made friends in all of my classes and in the building I live in, Hoover Hall. One of the greatest friends I have is my roommate, Jasmine. We went to highschool together and we have great communication, so we don't have serious problems.               Every day on  and outside of campus is  a new adventure since I've been lost around the city with Jasmine, but we always manage to find our way back and laugh about it. The first time we got lost was on our way to Target; it was fun. That day we never arrived at Target, but we ended up in the ValleyFair Mall, so I guess that was the fun part. Back home we don't have malls, so now that we live in the city we have visited every mall. My experiences in college have and will become one of the greatest ones in my life. I hope to meet more people from different cultures and races because
learning from other people's beliefs and customs is more interesting than learning from a book at school.
Jasmine (roommate)

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