Sunday, November 8, 2015

My Goals

For this class, my goal is to increase my vocabulary and be as descriptive as possible in my writings. Over the years, my English classes were mostly based on reading books that I have no interest in, but this year I have read stories that I can relate to such as "Taking My Parents to College". This story is about a first-generation college student, who takes her family to college, and has no idea how everything is managed. This type of stories are what made this class far more interesting than my previous classes. Compared to other English classes, I feel more comfortable writing about my family and our relationship. This class has helped me to open-up and be more confident in my writings. My main goal is to use the writing skills I have learned in this class, and used them in my career as a Hospitality Manager. Since I will be working around people, I want to be able to communicate with them in a formal way in person or written form. By getting good grades in this class, it will take me closer to my goal.

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